Friday 25 April 2014

April 20. 2014 ---- Easter Flood

So it's sunday, actually easter sunday. I wake up very early knowing that it the day that the LORD Jesus resurrected. Happily as a christian, I decide to get ready for church, but then the tap starts to flow after weeks of not flowing. I scrubbed my bathroom, washed my pile of dirty clothing and the swept my entire room. I went out to dry up my clothes then I saw water dripping from Delavina's balcony into my balcony, since am directly below her room. I knew instantly that sh had left her tap on and her room has flooded, making excess water find its water down the balcony.

As stupid and careless as I was, I went back into my room thinking it will definitely stop dripping and everything would be fine. But that was not the case. I began mopping my floor when I heard water pouring. I instantly assumed I had left the tap on in the bathroom, so I didnt pay any attention to it any longer. After minutes of pouring water, I got irritated by the sound, entered the bathroom to get the shock of my life. The tap wasn't flowing. Where the hell is the pouring water sound from?

I opened the back door. My eyes widened. My mind began to race. Images of the future outcome of what I discovered slide through my mind like a PowerPoint presentation. I became motionless. Confused. I just didn't know what to do.

The dripping water from Delavina's balcony has turned into a raging wind-directed waterfall. It was pouring right into my corridor and had began flowing into my room. I shook of the shock gripping me and run out to get help. I climbed upstairs to Flavour's room, when my room mate spent the night. I knocked three times, no response. I made my way down the stairs then I heard someone unlocked their door. I climbed back upstairs, told them in a calm tone like it was no big deal. I collected Elijah's number, dailled, no answer. Both of Delavina's phones were off. I went outside to find the other security but no where to be found. I enter the storage room and there he was in sleep mode. I wanted to kick him into waking up but I remembered it's Easter, take it easy.

I reported the issue to him, he tried calling Caretaker Elijah himself but still no answer. I went back to the room to find water occupying every dry space it finds. With my door opened, some residents enter to laugh, give me their sympathetic speech and other to help. I remember clearly Amett climbing up a broken ladder to Delavina's balcony but the door was locked.

After moments of waiting for the "water fall" to stop, it finally did. I picked up a cup and bucket to collect the water on the balcony. Collecting over six buckets of water alone from the balcony, I wondered how much water had snaked itself into the room. The water in the room washed dirt from the every corner, which I collected and mopped the floor.

Still waiting for an apology from Delavina D.

I think this tells that some bad things, have good effect.

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